How Outdoor Therapy Can Strengthen Recovery

yosemite valley

If you’ve ever been to Arnold, California, or the nearby cities of Sacramento, Stockton, or Modesto, then you know the area has a lot to offer in terms of beautiful landscapes. These scenic landscapes provide the perfect backdrop for recovery, as individuals who are working to overcome addiction can spend time outdoors engaged in many different types of outdoor therapy. Here is a brief look at the benefits of outdoor therapy—and how exactly outdoor therapy works to strengthen recovery. Continue reading “How Outdoor Therapy Can Strengthen Recovery”

Special Challenges of Addiction Recovery for Mothers

Struggling, tired mother

Addiction recovery isn’t easy for anyone. It includes walls and setbacks, difficult self-examination, apologies and reconciliations. And when stress, boredom, and frustration set in, there’s always the little voice at the back of our heads, calling us to find relief in our addiction.

All of these challenges can be even harder when you’re a parent, and especially when you’re a mother. Continue reading “Special Challenges of Addiction Recovery for Mothers”

Overcoming the Stigma of Meth Addiction

Sad, frustrated man

Of all the addictive substances on the street, there’s one in particular that carries a powerful stigma: crystal meth. Even amongst other drug users, those addicted to meth are looked at askance and given a wide berth. However, meth addiction is a major problems in many regions of the Central Valley, from Sacramento to Stockton. In fact, many reports in the region of Modesto state that meth, one of the most addictive substances that we know of, is more accessible than cocaine or marijuana. 

Crystal meth is the most common street form of the substance methamphetamine. Usually, it’s found in the form of crystalline powder, which can be smoked, taken in pill form, snorted, or melted and injected. Continue reading “Overcoming the Stigma of Meth Addiction”

Central California: Meth Capital of the US?

Vineyard countryside in California

Central California grows the vast majority of America’s fresh fruits and vegetables, thanks to its temperate climate and rich soil. It’s also the home of more private-sector job growth than anywhere else in the nation, and the natural beauty of our forests and mountains are second to none. It’s easy to see why central California is the fastest-growing region in the state.

However, central California is also home to some less-proud distinctions. The region is largely believed to be the meth capital of the United States. A recent study of teens in Modesto found that about a quarter of teens report that it would be easy for them to access meth, thanks to its ready availability in the region.  Continue reading “Central California: Meth Capital of the US?”

Easy On-The-Spot Meditation to Reduce Stress

Businessman meditating at his desk

Imagine that you’ve had a terrible morning. You woke up late, traffic was a beast, and when you walked into work, you were reprimanded for a late project. You just got a notification from your bank that a check bounced and now you have a fee for 50$ on top of everything else that you’re struggling to pay. When you drop your homemade lunch all over the floor… how do you react? Continue reading “Easy On-The-Spot Meditation to Reduce Stress”

Technology’s Effect on your Mental Health

Using smartphone late at night

Today’s technology is amazing. It means that we can answer any question with a simple query to Siri, that we can maintain important relationships across the globe, and that we can quickly find the perfect present for our significant other.

There are also drawbacks to our connected culture. Constant exposure to screens can strain our eyes and destroy our posture, which contributes to a whole host of physical ailments. But the most destructive health risk posed by technology is probably its effect on our mental health. Continue reading “Technology’s Effect on your Mental Health”

Welcome to the Sierras

View of mountain lake

Keep close to Nature’s heart… and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.
-John Muir

We’re Located in the Heart of the Sierras

Arnold is a small town. With a population of about 3,000 people, we don’t have a lot by way of city centers, cultural landmarks or artsy hubs. However, there’s one thing that we have in spades: natural beauty. Continue reading “Welcome to the Sierras”