Money Management and Recovery

Money management probably isn’t the first thing you think of when listing essential skills for a successful recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. Here at a Turning Point for Arnold, however, money management is one of the many skills that we teach our clients in order to better prepare them for life after treatment. Here is a look at how practicing smart money management can strengthen your recovery from substance addiction.

Building back finances

Addiction has a tendency to become a central priority in a person’s life, occupying more and more of a person’s budget. Financing an addiction can even lead someone to debt. Therefore, recovery is a time when many could benefit from money management classes the most. Learning valuable skills in money management can help you create a financial plan that will eliminate debt and carry you back to strong financial standing.

Reducing stress

Money can cause stress to anyone and everyone, and if you are recovering from addiction, money is one thing that you don’t want to be adding to your stress. Practicing smart money management can help you avoid the everyday stresses that stem from finances, strengthening your recovery. (Stress, after all, is known to be one of the most common relapse triggers.)

Growing in self-reliance

Learning about and practicing smart money management can also help you grow in self-reliance. This is especially important in addiction recovery, as you are learning to take control once again after removing addiction from your life. Growing in self-reliance, in short, can help you become more in control of your recovery.

Successful job placement

If you want to land a rewarding job after completing your treatment, lessons in money management can help you get there. Smart finances show an employer that you are organized—and prepared to handle company finances if necessary. Ultimately, finding a rewarding job that will not become a source of stress can help you gain a sense of responsibility and remain accountable for your recovery.