Powerful Mantras To Help With Addiction Recovery

Mantras are words or phrases repeated over and over again in order to redirect the mind, and focus meditation. Although it might seem silly sometimes, mantras can have a powerful effect on our thought processes, and our perception of ourselves and the world around us.

If you’re having trouble choosing your own recovery mantra, try one or more of these on for size.

Sun is warm, grass is green. Yes that’s from the Karate Kid. But think about it. It’s a reminder to be grateful for the simple things that are provided every day, and simplify our needs.

One day at a time. This reins in anxiety about the future, and cuts problems down so they’re a manageable size. The idea of staying sober forever can be intimidating. But the idea of staying sober today is something you can absolutely do.

I can do hard things. I love this one because it doesn’t discount the challenge that you’re facing. You’re not saying that it’s so easy even a child (or even YOU) can do it. You’re acknowledging the difficulty, but reinforcing the idea that you’re strong enough to handle it, despite the difficulty.

I am moving forward right now. This reminds you that even though your efforts may seem small, you’re moving in the right direction. Each small step will add up. This mantra can also encourage us to put problems behind us so that we can move forward unburdened.

I have everything I need within me. One of the biggest causes of anxiety in addiction recovery is that feeling that there are things we need that are not available, whether that’s the substance itself, or what it represented to us: security, sensation, love, warmth, belonging. This mantra reminds us to be grateful for what we have, and to use internal resources to nourish ourselves.

Nothing changes if nothing changes. This is a reminder that you have the power to make positive changes in your life. Going back to the same old patterns will only give you the same old life, which was a condition from which you wanted to escape. Small changes in your life now will have powerful ripples into a more positive future.

Using Your Mantra to Most Powerful Effect:

Say it out loud. It might feel strange now and then, but most of the time, audibly stating the words have more powerful impact than repeating them in your mind.

Say it during meditation. Meditation is a time when we empty and focus our minds, and a mantra can give you a focal point during your time. Additionally, the mental state that you enter during meditation is fertile ground for new ideas.

Say it in the face of difficulty. When you come across a challenge in your life, breathe deeply, and remind yourself of your mantra.

Say it in repetition. The point of a mantra is that it becomes more powerful as you repeat it. If you hit a point where it stops making sense, that’s okay. Keep saying it until you find the next level of meaning for you.

Write it down. Put it somewhere you’ll see it every day. My favorite place is on your bathroom mirror, or somewhere else you’ll see early in the morning as you prepare yourself for the day. This can start your day with a feeling of resolve and a message of positivity.